By Rennie Davis
VANDALIA—Paul Ray with the Vandalia Area Historical Society said the group would be receiving a check from the Rual Morris Foundation this month.
According to the foundation’s site, “The Morris Foundation is a Lexington, Kentucky-based and Kentucky-centric charitable organization devoted to hands-on philanthropy and providing financial assistance and strategic support to nurture and inspire charitable initiatives.”
The VAHS met on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, at The Charlene Teague Genealogy Center on Main Street. Those attending were Secretary Joy Davis, Pete and Mindy Nasir, Paul Ray, Kevin and Teresa Wenzel, Andrew Bartison, Gary Fowler and President Vicki Wright.
Vicki called the meeting to order. The November minutes were approved as read. The regular bank account balance and the 150 Fund balance were read by Vicki.
Joy Davis moved that the card party funds go to the 150 Fund. Paul seconded the motion that passed. The motion was made by Joy Davis, seconded by Gary Fowler and passed to allow up to $300 for the cleaning of the museum before the January card party.
Cami Blackman has accepted the position of general manager for the Sesquicentennial Celebration. She will be reworking the 150-donation letter and making the schools more aware of the event as well as the town library.
The Vandalia Chamber of Commerce will be doing Downtown Windows decorated for the 150 celebration, kids games on Aug. 10, and the horseshoe tournament on Saturday, Sept. 28.
Teresa Wenzel said she would be asking for photos of the five best-remembered Vandalia people.
Marilyn Behlman would have the food truck for Aug. 10. Cami would see to the car and motorcycle show on Sept. 28, and multiple-church musical event on Sunday, Sept. 29.
The Chamber has contacted a drone photographer for the event. Cami is also taking care of the watermelon-eating contest, and Ralph and Patti Kuda would be doing the Lawn of the Week. Harold Williams would be spearheading the Beard Growing Contest. Charla Smith and the United Credit Union would be doing the murals around town. Also, Pete Nasir is working on the contacts from Walk Back in Time, with help from the Audrain County Historical Society.
Paul announced that the VAHS would be receiving most of the historical materials from the Vandalia Leader building. This will include many bound newspaper volumes from past years.
The Sunday, Jan. 21, card party was discussed. The cost to participate is $25 and would include a meal served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by a card party and silent auction from 1 to 4 p.m.
The food would come from Panera Bread with Vicki doing the desserts. The menu is soup (broccoli cheese or chicken noodle), sandwich (beef or chicken on roll), chips, beverage and dessert. Prizes would include Sesquicentennial merchandise. Silent Auction winners would be announced at 4 p.m. There would also be take away food available. Contact Vicki Wright for tickets at 573-721-8074. Teresa Wenzel may be contacted for Sesquicentennial Souvenirs at 573-975-3305.
No meeting is scheduled for January. The next meeting, at 9 a.m., Feb. 17, would include more events planning. The meeting is to take place at the Charlene Teague Genealogy Center. All interested individuals are welcome to attend the meeting as the Sesquicentennial Celebration takes shape.