July 4, 2023 changed the lives of two Van-Far Ambulance District crew members—Leslie Dahl and Jason Bostic, along with their families and friends.
The accident left both crew members in critical condition. Bostic recently returned home. Dahl remains a patient at a rehab center in Columbia, Mo. According to their supervisor, they are both doing exceptionally well. Even so, they both have long roads to recovery, and lots of medical expenses.
Marlene Fisher and Cindy Evans have put together a barbecue and auction fundraiser to take place starting at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17 at the Vandalia Catholic Church Hall.
“We have had an outpouring of donations and help,” Fisher said. “We started with calling it a quilt show and auction, but it has grown into something much larger.”
She noted that they are still accepting donations that are not considered as yard sale items. They should be made available by Friday, Sept. 1. Contact Marlene or Cindy if you have something to donate.
Look for more information in the Aug. 24 issue of the Vandalia Leader. It will have a listing of some of the items up for auction.
For more information, please contact Marlene at 573-473-2753 or Cindy at 573-473-9000.